A Memorial for the Still Living. Premiered at John Hansard Gallery in Southampton. Upcoming show at the Horniman Museum in London.
Tactical Biopolitics: Art, Activism, and Technoscience. MIT Press; Leonardo Book Series. ed., Beatriz da Costa & Kavita Philip.
Invisible Earthlings Workshop. [as part of "Species We Live With"]

Pigeonblog [documentation & ephemera] on view at Sweeney Art Gallery in Riverside, CA.

The Place of Art in the Age of Biotechnological Reproducibility. (pdf) [Review of Tactical Biopolitics in "BioSocieties."]
Processes, Issues AIR: Toward Reticular Politics. (pdf) [Full fledged article about Preemptive Media's and my work in "Australian Humanities Review."]
Interview with Beatriz da Costa. (pdf) [by Alessandro Ludovico, "Neural Magazine."]

Preemptive Media Preemptive Media is a collaborative operating at the nexus of art, activism and technology.

Beatriz da Costa is an interdisciplinary artist based in Los Angeles. She works at the intersection of art, politics, engineering and the life sciences.

The Invisible Eathlings workshop was developed in conjunction with the invisible Earthlings project. Participants learned how to collect and identify microbial samples following microscopic techniques for the molds, and molecular biology protocols for the bacteria. Samples were taken from the immediate environment, thereby illuminating the multiplicity of microbial neighbors we live with.
To learn more about Invisible Earthlings look here: Invisible Earthlings

AIR workshops were held in conjunction with Preemptive Media's AIR project. We conducted a preliminary workshop at Eyebeam in New York, during the development of the project. Here participants helped us beta testing the devices and discuss research and background related to AIR. Later on, we did held three additional workshops, all consisting of a combination of talk/discussion and walking tour with the AIR devices in urban environments. One such workshop took place in Riverside, CA, another one in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, and three additional ones in Australia (Melbourne, Brisbane, and Perth). The Australian workshops, organized by ANAT and its Still Open initiative, were different in character. Here participants learned how to build their own AIR devices. The electronics, software and functionality were all made public, explained and experimented with in a hands-on manner.

AIR workshops in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, Riverside, and Australia
To learn more about the AIR project look here: www.pm-air.net
To view the website designed for the Australian workhops containing electronic diagrams, code and explanations,
look here: www.beatrizdacosta.net/stillopen/

Wetware Hackers is a series of hands-on workshops open to ISEA attendees taught by practitioners in the field. Workshops will be conducted in moderately equipped facilities and are designed for motivated non-experts. Rather than promoting only well-established techniques, “Wetware Hackers” encourages modification and play with respect to wetware projects.
Wetwarehacker project site and documentation: wetwarehacker website

Zapped! is a project by Preemptive Media and includes a very active workshop component. Zapped! addresses the mass implementation of radio frequency identification (RFID) technologies and their social repercussions. During the workshop participants are given a brief overview of the technology itself followed by a series of hands-on exercises, including the construction of a Zapped! keychain: a device that starts ringing in the presence of an RFID reader.

To learn more about Zapped! look here: Zapped! project website

Tactical Gizmology was a wokshop series I developed together with Critical Art Ensemble. Those workshops were held in conjunction with the Tactical Media Labs, linked to the Next FIve Minutes 4 Conference.
original website (flash) documenting the workshop at Eyebeam in 2002: Tactical Gizmology at Eyebeam
original website (flash) documenting the workshop at NSCAD and Khyber Center for the Arts in Halifax, Canada 2002:
Tactical Gizmology at NSCAD