PROXY is a HEAD GAME about knowledge discovery, file-sharing, and information mis/management in relation to networked identity construction and collective behavior. It is an overtly academic, unpredictable and often impenetrable set of rule-driven role-plays -- none of which are ever made quite clear. The players are pre-programmed agents and bots of various types, both human and software. The aesthetic is minimalist and heavily textual at surface, though many forms of media and mediated exchange are possible.

PROXY is motivated by the following research and development concerns: blurring the boundary between play time and productive time; personalizing and automating information discovery and management; designing multiple interfaces into shared information spaces; and facilitating distributed, collective, and slightly out of control data processing.

Implementation is being driven by a critical theory/practice in the media arts, as opposed to a more proprietary and closed implementation agenda driven by issues of economic profitability. As such, it will be open-sourced and freely available for continued creative mutation.

If you want to immediately sink deeper, activate an agent.