Data Arcade
Stock Invaders
- A Flash-based knock off of Space Invaders utilizing real-time stock market data to influence game play
- Select a publicly traded stock to represent the player
- A wide array of industry sectors are available to page through and choose from
- If a stock you want to use is not in the pre-defined list, you may enter your own
- Select another stock to represent the invaders
- Preview how that company's stock will impact the game difficulty for the player...
- ... as well as the invaders
Pipe Mania
- See how well you can plumb the rural/urban infrastructure
- Select a country from three develomental zones - the Core, the Semi-Periphery, and the Periphery
- Review data about that country's population, sanitation, health expenditure, and how it will impact game difficulty
- Get busy laying pipe before the sludge comes
Oil Kong
- You play as a developed country trying to wrest control of oil production from OPEC
- Select a country to represent Kong's oil production ability and game difficulty
- Review country data regarding oil production and transport infrastructure
- Try to rescue Kong's oil consuming hostage and reduce dependence