PROXY began in Fall 1998, and was conceived in its current form in Spring 1999. The project emerged out of the "Online Public Spaces: Multidisciplinary Explorations in Multiuser Environments" (OPS:MEME) initiative, Fall 1997 - Summer 1999. OPS:MEME was co-directed by Victoria Vesna (Design | Media Arts, UCLA) and Robert Nideffer (Studio Art & Information and Computer Science, UCI).

OPS:MEME was sponsored as part of the Research Across Disciplines (RAD) program created by France Cordova (Vice Chancellor of Research, UC Santa Barbara). The insights and support of the various faculty involved with OPS:MEME played a key role in the early stages of testbed development; Victoria made it possible.

PROXY: Nideffer
Robert Nideffer

Concept, Direction, HTML, Generic Hackin'
[12.98 - 03.02]
Stan "The Man" Ng

Agent Architecture, MOO Combat System and Economy
[06.99 - 03.02]
PROXY: Holder
Stephen Holder

MAM/MOO Interaction, VRML
[07.99 - 12.99]
PROXY: Alhazzazi
Momo Alhazzazi

[10.01 - 03.02]
PROXY: Howell
Jonathan Howell

Eval Utils, Plugins Framework, Asteroids, CleanSweep, DreamAgent
[04.01 - 03.02]
PROXY: Vesna
Victoria Vesna

PR Agent, Provocateur
[12.98 - 03.02]
PROXY: Paterson
Carrie Paterson

Dream Agent
[11.01 - 01.02]
PROXY: Willey
Claude Willey

Raw Source Sounds
[07.00 - 08.00]

Eric Albert (Computer Science, Stanford University) for BrowserLauncher. for the access stats scripts; SFSC for the shopping cart scripts. Kostas Terzidis (Architecture, UC Los Angeles), who provided source code for generating the 3D node geometry in the JAVA visualizer. The Distributed Applications Support Team (DAST) from the National Laboratory for Applied Network Research (NLANR) at NCSA. DAST loaned us Kai Chen, who coded an early version of the networking layer for the MAM system. Nathan Freitas, who worked on pre-MAM conceptual prototyping. The UC Digital Cultures Multicampus Research Group, led by William Warner and Alan Liu (English, UC Santa Barbara), for acting as willing beta testers and providing invaluable critical feedback. Christiane Paul for being brave enough to select the project for inclusion in the 2002 Whitney Biennial. And finally, Pavel Curtis, Jan Rune Holmevik, and Cynthia Haynes for all the excellent MOO work.


UC Irvine School of the Arts, UC Santa Barbara Office of Research, UC Institute for Research in the Arts (UCIRA), the Banff Centre for the Arts, and the Cal(IT)2 initiative in New Media Arts focused on networked games and game culture.


Babelfish at AltaVista Translations (used for real-time chat-based communication), (used for requested web-pages), Google and HotBot (used for auto-ingesting context sensitive links).