Thresholds: viewing culture
University of California Santa Barbara
Volume 9, 1995

Editorial Board

William Stern, Editor in Chief
Benjamin Bratton
Genevieve Fay
Elizabeth Hammel
Katie Hawks
Laura Holliday Butcher
Benjamin Hufbauer
Christine Kiessling
Steven Spencer-Steigner

The Editorial Board of Thresholds: viewing culture would like to thank the following for their special contributions: Jason Brown, Steve Brown, Naomi Johnson, Dan Meinwald, Kristin O'Rourke, Paula Rudolph, the UCSB Graduate Association, the Graduate Division, the Office of Student Affairs, and the Student Fee Advisory Committee. Michelle Barber, our marketing consultant, proved to be an invaluable resource. T:vc was established to promote dialogue with the academic community and to publish non-technical and provocative papers of interdisciplinary interest.

T:vc Criteria for Submissions: All papers, essays, etc. must be understandable to educated people in any discipline. Technical terms should be avoided; where necessary, they should be clearly defined within the text. Footnotes, if used, should be kept to a minimum. Submissions can be anywhere from three to twenty pages in length. Authors are requested to submit a double-spaced hard copy of their article by March 1, 1996. Editors will request an electronic version of accepted manuscripts.

Further inquiries should be addressed to:
Thresholds: viewing culture, c/o GSA, University Center,
Santa Barbara, CA 93106.
Our e-mail address for correspondence and/or submission is
T:vc is also available in electronic format on the World Wide Web
http://www.arts.ucsb.edu/~tvc; past issues can be accessed through Gopher
On-Line Editor: Robert Nideffer
Web Layout and Design: Robert Nideffer and Jason Brown
ISSN 1069-6776

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