Character Selection
- Side-scrolling action adventure RPG, "World of Warcraft" knock-off
- Do "game theory" in the context of a game environment
- Select from 2 fully playable characters in the demo version
- Meet famous thinkers like Karl Marx, Sigmund Freud, and Mary Daly
- Quest in 4 unique zones
- Interact with over 15 NPCs
- Advance to level 10
- Download the WTF?! SDK, a freely available toolkit to mod or build your own RPG
Herr Freud
- Support for terrain maps with parallax scrolling
- Customizable NPC behaviors
Hegemon - Quest Giver
- Quest system supporting kill, collect, escort, and special types
- Automatic objective tracking
Mr. Marx - Character Profile
- Slot based item drops that evaluate drop list of each slot independently
- XML script support for custom icons
- Equipment slot and rarity (common, uncommon, rare, epic) definition
Anna O. - Vendor
- Ability to define any NPC as an Item Vendor
- General equipment slots (head, neck, shoulders, fingers, etc)
- Trinkets (activated by casting, reusable, interruptible)
- Consumables (activates abilities instantly and consumes item)
- Usable Quest Items (activates instantly, does not consume item)
Game Controls

- Sophisticated fast-paced combat system
- Complex inventory and equipment management
- Ability to follow, evade, attack, throw, change equipment, and activate trinkets

- Shortcut keys to access all important game dialogs
- Shortcut and hot-key access to inventory/equipment items
Controls for Music, Weather, Particle Effects

- XML script support for all environmental definitions
- Particle effects system
- Time of day definitions with customizeable tinting
- Color tint blending based on the player's system clock time
- Weather table and weather specific layer tinting
- Background music definition and auto fading during map transitions
- Event sound definition attacched to NPCs, players, and items
Interactive Context Map

- Basic awareness of distance between characters and player
- Objects can be set as key points for display on in-game map
Spell Casting

- XML script support for pre-built static animations
- Particle spawning and respawning
Portal Transport

- Ability to define any NPC as a Portal Master
- Ability to instantly transport between zones once visited
Mario Land